

A table displays a collections of data grouped into rows




A standard table

Responsive Element

Tables will automatically stack their layouts for mobile devices. To disable this behavior, use the unstackable variation or tablet stackable to allow responsive adjustments for tablet as well.

Name Registration Date E-mail address Premium Plan
John Lilki September 14, 2013 No
Jamie Harington January 11, 2014 Yes
Jill Lewis May 11, 2014 Yes
Git Repository
node_modules Initial commit 10 hours ago
test Initial commit 10 hours ago
build Initial commit 10 hours ago
package.json Initial commit 10 hours ago
Gruntfile.js Initial commit 10 hours ago


A table may be formatted to emphasize a first column that defines a rows content

Arguments Description
reset rating None Resets rating to default value
set rating rating (integer) Sets the current star rating to specified value
Name Registration Date E-mail address Premium Plan
John Lilki September 14, 2013 No
Jamie Harington January 11, 2014 Yes
Jill Lewis May 11, 2014 Yes
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A table can formatted to display complex structured data

UI tables use border-collapse: separate to allow for tables to receive styles that cannot usually be applied to tables like border-radius. However this can cause some cell borders to appear missing with complex layouts that use rowspan or colspan and rows with varying column count.

ui complex table does not support some style features, but can correctly display all valid html table content.

Name Type Files Languages
Ruby JavaScript Python
Alpha Team Project 1 2
Beta Team Project 1 52
Project 2 12
Project 3 21


Positive / Negative

A cell or row may let a user know whether a value is good or bad

Name Status Notes
No Name Specified Unknown None
Jimmy Approved None
Jamie Unknown Requires call
Jill Unknown None



A cell or row may call attention to an error or a negative value

Name Status Notes
No Name Specified Approved None
Jimmy Cannot pull data None
Jamie Approved Classified
Jill Approved None


A cell or row may warn a user

Name Status Notes
No Name Specified Unknown None
Jimmy Requires Action None
Jamie Unknown Hostile
Jill Unknown None


A cell or row can be active or selected by a user

Name Status Notes
Jamie Approved Requires call
John Selected None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Approved None


A cell can be disabled

Name Status Notes
Jamie Approved Requires call
John Selected None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Approved None



A table can specify additional requirements for screen adjustments

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None

Text Alignment

A table header, row, or cell can adjust its text alignment

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None


A table can stripe alternate rows of content with a darker color to increase contrast

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved


A table may be divided each row into separate cells

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved


A table can reduce its complexity to increase readability.

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None

Collapsing Cell

A cell can be collapsing so that it only uses as much space as required

To ensure icons don't wrap to a seperate line you must either specify collapsing on the widest row in the collapsing column, or on all rows
node_modules Initial commit 10 hours ago
test Initial commit 10 hours ago
build Initial commit 10 hours ago

Even Width

A table can specify its column count to divide its content evenly

Name Status Age Gender Notes
John Approved 22 Male None
Jamie Approved 32 Male Requires call
Jill Denied 22 Female None
3 People 2 Approved

Column Width

A table can specify the width of individual columns independently.

Tables use a 16 column grid. This should be the total width of all elements in a column
Name Status
John Approved
Jamie Approved
Jill Denied
3 People 2 Approved


A table can be collapsing, taking up only as much space as its rows.

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved


A table can be given a color to distinguish it from other tables.

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved


A table's colors can be inverted

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved


A table may allow a user to sort contents by clicking on a table header.

Adding a classname of ascending or descending to the th will show the user the direction of sort. This example uses a modified version of the kylefox's tablesort plugin to provide the proper class names.
Name Status Notes
John No Action None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved

Full-Width Header / Footer

A definition table can have a full width header or footer, filling in the gap left by the first column

Name Registration Date E-mail address Premium Plan
John Lilki September 14, 2013 No
Jamie Harington January 11, 2014 Yes
Jill Lewis May 11, 2014 Yes
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A table may sometimes need to be more padded for legibility

Name Status Notes
John Approved He is a very nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him on the telephone. I hope we get to talk again.
Jamie Approved Jamie was not interested in purchasing our product.
Name Status Notes
John Approved He is a very nice guy and I enjoyed talking to him on the telephone. I hope we get to talk again.
Jamie Approved Jamie was not interested in purchasing our product.


A table may sometimes need to be more compact to make more rows visible at a time

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Name Status Another Status Notes
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call
John Approved Approved None
Jamie Approved Approved Requires call


A table can also be small or large

Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved
Name Status Notes
John Approved None
Jamie Approved Requires call
Jill Denied None
3 People 2 Approved

Dimmer Message
Dimmer sub-header